Our Resources

Looking for help finding support for care? Want to find out more about our programs? Hoping to join us in the fight for better care? Check out our resource library below to get started.

Our Resources


Entertainment and Hollywood

Care Inclusion Playbook

The Care Inclusion Playbook is a resource for screenwriters and other content creators to develop more nuanced care-related storylines that counter negative stereotypes about aging, illness and disability.

Explore Our Playbook
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Care is Everywhere Story Guide

Care is Everywhere Story Guide

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2022’s 10 Most Moving Caregiving Moments on TV

2022’s 10 Most Moving Caregiving Moments on TV

This is Us and the Power of TV

This is Us and the Power of TV

Ten Top Moments of Care on TV, 2023

Ten Top Moments of Care on TV, 2023

This is What Art is Supposed to Do

This is What Art is Supposed to Do

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Make Care Pop

Make Care Pop

Care Inclusion Playbook

Care Inclusion Playbook

Caregivers don't wear capes

Caregivers don't wear capes

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Care Activism

Care Voter Guide

This guide makes it easy to know how to engage with elected leaders around care: how to set up meetings, which questions to ask, and how to share your care story.

Download the guide
Care in Common Message Playbook

Care in Common Message Playbook

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Care Voter Guide

Care Voter Guide

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Online Care Activist Team: Resource Kit

Online Care Activist Team: Resource Kit


Conversation Guides

Guide for Caregivers

This guide will help you navigate talking about care with family, friends, and loved ones, whether you’re explaining what care is, sharing your story, or asking for help.

Read the Guide for Caregivers
Conversation Guide: Talking about Race, Racism, Care, and Caregiving

Conversation Guide: Talking about Race, Racism, Care, and Caregiving

Guide for Care Recipients

Guide for Care Recipients

Guide for Caregivers

Guide for Caregivers

State Guides

State-specific Care Guides

Georgia Care Kit

Need help understanding or accessing care supports in Georgia? Check out this helpful guide to get started.

Open the Georgia Care Kit
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California Future of Care Report

California Future of Care Report

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Child Care Costs in GA Factsheet

Child Care Costs in GA Factsheet

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Aging and Disability Care in IL Factsheet

Aging and Disability Care in IL Factsheet

Aging and Disability Care in GA Factsheet

Aging and Disability Care in GA Factsheet

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Michigan Care Kit

Michigan Care Kit

California Care Kit

California Care Kit

Georgia Care Kit

Georgia Care Kit


Care Fellowship

Care Fellowship

The Care Fellowship is a leadership development program that helps grow and nurture the advocacy and communications skills of people who give and receive care.

Visit the Care Fellowship Homepage


Video Explainers

What Is Care Infrastructure?

At some point in our lives, we will all give or receive care. A stronger care infrastructure will help us access the services we need when we need them, and create a more caring future in which we can all live, work, and age with dignity.

HCBS Explainer: A Strong Foundation

HCBS Explainer: A Strong Foundation

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HCBS Explainer: A Better Way

HCBS Explainer: A Better Way

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HCBS Explainer: Home

HCBS Explainer: Home

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What Is Care Infrastructure?

What Is Care Infrastructure?

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The Future of Care in California

This report focuses on the long-term care needs of older adults and people living with disabilities and examines what is at stake for family caregivers, direct care workers, and the state as a whole if California does not invest in the growing demand for long-term care. We also discuss recent polling that provides insight into Californian’s current views about long-term care, and principles for developing policy solutions that lead to universal access for aging and disability care for every Californian.

California Future of Care
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Navigating Care

Navigating Care

California Future of Care Report

California Future of Care Report

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2024 Care Report Card

2024 Care Report Card

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Designing Universal Family Care

Designing Universal Family Care

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Burning the Candle at Both Ends: Sandwich Generation Caregiving in the U.S.

Burning the Candle at Both Ends: Sandwich Generation Caregiving in the U.S.

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Building Our Care Infrastructure for Equity, Economic Recovery, and Beyond

Building Our Care Infrastructure for Equity, Economic Recovery, and Beyond

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In California, Care Can’t Wait

In California, Care Can’t Wait



Generations Journal

We collaborated with the American Society on Aging to produce the first ever issue of the Generations Journal to feature all Black, Indigenous, and people of color and women-identified experts on the topic of care.

Read the Generations Journal