Sunrise Perennials

by Xia Gordon

Illustrated as a collage of four vignettes, elders are depicted with vibrant livelihoods. An elder couple dances to the beat of their own music while holding hands. The man wearing long sleeves and a Kippah and the woman in a skirt, tee shirt, and a headscarf. Beside them, an older woman in a jumpsuit strolls through nature with her walking sticks. An activist with deep brown skin wearing a gray tunic and matching Taqiyah strives for political change, with his right fist in the air and his left hand holding a ‘Respect Elders’ sign. By his side is a woman with medium tone olive skin wearing a purple striped shirt holding a ‘Care Can’t Wait’ sign. In the foreground, an older woman with darker brown skin places a hand on the collar of a faithful young woman with medium tone brown skin, offering wisdom and comfort. Both women are wearing headwraps, draping earrings, and soft gazes. Everyone is painted on a winding gray-black road against a light green background.

A word from the artist:

This piece captures the elegant and timeless essence of elders gracefully navigating the currents of life, each step a testament to their accumulated wisdom and inner strength. It’s a tribute to the enduring beauty and wisdom that elders bring to the world, their existence echoing the profound depth of their experiences. Caring, to me, is akin to tending a garden. It’s about nurturing the growth or well-being of those around me, providing a safe space for them to flourish, and expressing that through meaningful gestures and steadfast support.