Caring Across Generations Calls for More Investments in Home and Community-Based Services on the Anniversary of the Olmstead Decision

WASHINGTON D.C.—In response to the 25th anniversary of the Olmstead v. Lois Curtis decision, Nicole Jorwic, Chief of Advocacy & Campaigns at Caring Across Generations, released the following statement:

“The Olmstead decision was a landmark ruling that has enabled millions of disabled people in this country to have greater independence, autonomy and opportunities to live in and participate fully in their homes and communities thanks to the bravery of plaintiffs Lois Curtis and Elaine Wilson, two developmentally disabled women who had been institutionalized and fought for their right to live in their communities. Olmstead has helped millions of disabled people, but this nation must do better. Progress has been made, but there’s more work to be done. 

“While the decision was historic, our country, our lives and how our communities function have changed in enormous ways since then—and so many of our current systems remain discriminatory to disabled people.

“The administration needs to embrace the vision that President Biden laid out in his State of the Union: ‘Imagine a future with home care and elder care so people living with disabilities can stay in their homes.’ But in order to do that, we need to make coverage of home and community-based care mandatory in Medicaid and fund the system of supports to pull nearly a million people off the waiting lists all over the country. 

“More often than not, disabled people and older adults are left finding their own piecemeal solutions to getting the care that they need, whether that is relying on their family members, simply going without care, or moving into institutions, where the grand majority of people do not wish to go. We need more funding in home and community-based care to ensure disabled people and older adults the independence to choose for themselves where they wish to receive care and to make the vision of the disability rights movement a reality.”


Caring Across Generations is a national organization of family caregivers, care workers, disabled people, and aging adults working to transform the way we care in this country so that care is accessible, affordable, and equitable — and our systems of care enable everyone to live and age with dignity. To achieve our vision, we transform cultural norms and narratives about aging, disability, and care; win federal and state-level policies; and build power amongst the people touched by care. For more information, visit