Caring Across Generations Creates Business Care Council to Support Caregivers in the Workforce, Build An Equitable Care Economy

More than 20 businesses and corporations partner with Caring Across Generations

LOS ANGELES—The first-ever Business Care Council was announced this week at Caring Across Generations’ CareFest, a multiday, in-person event focused on the future of caregiving. The Business Care Council is a group of more than 20 companies across industries, including technology, fashion and small businesses.

Business Care Council Members were selected for being on the leading edge of workplace and personnel policies that support parents, family caregivers and disabled people.

The need for systems of care in the U.S. is an issue that requires both public and private sectors to come together to implement best practices and invest in innovative care solutions. That’s why businesses from across the country have joined Caring Across Generations’ Business Care Council to serve as models for companies looking to improve employees’ care benefits and achieve policy change by connecting with lawmakers.

The Business Care Council was announced the same day Caring Across and Fair Play Policy Institute presented the first-ever Care Catalyst Awards. Hosted by comedian J Smiles with entertainment by DJ Laylo, the awards ceremony honored four care influencers for sharing their care experiences through authentic and accessible content, building community, and mobilizing us to envision a world where care is visible, valued, and supported. Tarana Burke, activist and creator of #MeToo, gave remarks and presented all four awards.

“Care is one of the most pressing issues of our time, but businesses are facing a huge and often ignored threat to their competitive advantage: employee satisfaction and productivity when it comes to the care responsibilities of their employees,” said Nicole Jorwic, Chief of Campaigns and Advocacy at Caring Across Generations. “That’s why we’ve decided to create the Business Care Council to bring together corporations and businesses to serve as a voice in the business sector for caregivers in the workforce.”

The Business Care Council includes:

  • Argent
  • Bad Robot
  • Bobbie for Change
  • Business Enhancement Strategies
  • Chamber of Mothers
  • Christine Michel Carter
  • Cicily Cares
  • Gender Fair
  • Gold Coast Doulas
  • Ianacare
  • Katie McGrath & JJ Abrams Family Foundation
  • Loftis Partners
  • Main Street Alliance
  • Molly Moon’s Ice Cream
  • Playground
  • Springbank Collective
  • Synastry Capital
  • The Fifth Trimester
  • Well-Paid Maids
  • Wellthy

Care work is the work that makes all work possible, yet our workplaces are not built to support the care we need at each stage of life. There are currently 90 million caregivers in the workforce who have care responsibilities outside of work. Many face workday interruptions or are forced to leave their jobs to care for their loved ones. That’s why it’s vital the business sector improve employees’ care benefits to serve as a critical leader in building a strong, more equitable care economy.

Photos and videos from the CareFest are available upon request.


Caring Across Generations is a national organization of family caregivers, care workers, disabled people, and aging adults working to transform the way we care in this country so that care is accessible, affordable and equitable— and our systems of care enable everyone to live and age with dignity. 

To achieve our vision, we transform cultural norms and narratives about aging, disability and care; win federal and state-level policies; and build power amongst the people touched by care. For more information, visit CARINGACROSS.ORG.