About Us
Founded in 2011 by Ai-jen Poo and Sarita Gupta, Caring Across Generations is a national organization of family caregivers, care workers, disabled people, and aging adults working to transform the way we care in this country.

Founded in 2011 by Ai-jen Poo and Sarita Gupta, Caring Across Generations is a national organization of family caregivers, care workers, disabled people, and aging adults working to transform the way we care in this country.
Caring Across Generations envisions a world in which care in this country is accessible, affordable, and equitable – so that everyone can live, work and age with dignity.
Our mission is to change our culture and policy in America to value and support caregiving. To that end, we seek to transform cultural norms and narratives about aging, disability and care; to win federal and state-level policy change; and to create a powerful coalition across the millions of us who are touched by care.
Care is at the center of everything we do. In every aspect of our work, we prioritize our collective and individual dignity and humanity by taking a compassionate and solution-oriented approach to change.
We imagine a world in which everyone can access the care and support they need. We work together to create solutions, take on long-term fights, and advance our bold agenda towards the ultimate goal of creating a more caring future for us all.
There is power in the collective, and none of us can win alone. Our issues are inherently interconnected and our lives interdependent. We work together with our partners to break down silos, build collective advocacy, and uplift the value of care.
In the collective fight towards our shared vision, we are honored to have the trust of our partners and the caregiving families and individuals we represent, and we do not take this responsibility lightly. We communicate with clear expectations, consistently meet our commitments, and give and receive direct feedback.
We know that there are enough resources to build the care systems we need. When we work together to create solutions with a mindset of imagination, sufficiency, and generosity, we all prosper and progress.
Our country can and should be a place where everyone’s fundamental needs are met. All of us are directly impacted by our nation’s failing care systems, and we know that women, particularly Black, Indigenous and immigrant women and women of color have disproportionately borne the weight and harm of that failure. We are a majoritarian organization that fights for transformational solutions for all, and solutions that will specifically address the unique needs of Black and Brown caregivers and create material change in the lives of people who have borne the brunt of systemic inequity in our care economy.
To reach our goals, we need YOU! Join Caring Across Generations to take action and stay in the loop on the latest in care news!