Divine Feminine

by James Quarles

A colorful and vibrant illustration of the artist, James Quarles, standing beside the yellow couch upon which his mother, Ma Q, lays cozy under a white blanket with a smile and a stack of books. James, also smiling, hands her a bowl and utensils in one hand and a steaming mug in the other. They’re in a living room decorated with owl print wallpaper, a large houseplant and a lamp which lights up the space, casting a shadow of James against the orange rug covering the mahogany stained hardwood floor. Ma Q has a medium brown skin tone, voluminous white afro and white rimmed glasses to match. James has a lighter brown skin tone, wearing a green jacket and green pants with a burgundy top, hat, and shoes to match. In the background, against the owl-print wallpaper, hangs a large blue patterned frame displaying James’ original poem, “Divine Feminine” written in black ink.

A word from the artist:

This piece, both the illustration and the poem, is a representation of how I care for those who have always cared for me, using the gifts handed down to me by cherished family members. The poem is in reference to finding the strength possessed by the women caregivers in my family tree, how I honor them, and hold them in such high regard. Who will take care of the caregivers? “WE WILL!”