Mobility & Transportation

Care Inclusion Guide Action Mobility & Transportation

People have to get around!  Whether it’s support moving about the house or getting rides across town, helping someone of any age or ability move about their day is care.

Simply showing characters or talent engaging in these kinds of actions in the context of a scene makes an impact. Get moving on these stories.

Care can look like:

  • Helping someone get out of bed – if your character has ever been called a “fall risk,” this is high stakes drama.
  • Helping someone move from sitting to standing – another great way to get a scene going.
  • Supporting someone as they walk – imagine a little arm-in-arm action.
  • Driving someone to errands or appointments – don’t worry, your characters can still fight over which route is fastest.
  • Accessible ride share service – a great chance for a group scene… and group singing.
  • Pushing someone’s wheelchair – this isn’t just for medical dramas.

A quick note: scenarios described here are generalized from information that Caring Across Generations has collected through focus groups, polling, and other research. They are generalized scenarios and are not any one individual’s story, and they are not meant to be comprehensive of all experiences having to do with care. This resource is intended to illuminate new storytelling opportunities that also contribute to a more authentic and holistic representation of care on screen.